Ph.D. Courses
After the final state examination, Master’s degree students can continue on to obtain a Ph.D. in the subject Slavic Philology, with a specialty either in Slavic Literary Studies or Slavic Linguistics. Eligibility for doctoral study is outlined in these Ph.D. regulations (only in German).
The Ph.D. degree program requires candidates to independently research and write a full-length academic dissertation, which must be published to obtain the degree. The Ph.D. degree program, which takes roughly three years, ends with a disputation in which the doctoral candidate publically presents his or her doctoral thesis and takes part in a scholarly discussion with teaching staff from the university.
The following academic teaching staff members are qualified to act as supervisors for doctoral candidates in the subject Slavic Philology at the LMU:
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweier (Slavic Linguistics)
- Prof. Dr. Riccardo Nicolosi (Slavic Literary Studies)
- Adj. Prof. Dr. Raoul Eshelman (Slavic Literary Studies)
- Adj. Prof. Dr. Svetlana Kazakova (Slavic Literary Studies)
The Ph.D. degree course can be completed either as an individual doctoral thesis or within a structured Ph.D. program. More information about this can be found at the link: “Das Promotionsstudium an der LMU” (only in German)
The Munich Slavic Philology Department participates in the following structured Ph.D. programs:
- Graduate School Language & Literature Munich - Graduiertenschule Sprache & Literatur München
- DFG-Research Training Group "Globalization and Literature: Representations, Transformations, Interventions"
- The International Doctoral Program "MIMESIS"
Ph.D. Regulations
The new Ph.D. regulations (2016) for the Institute for Slavic Philology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich came into effect on 1 October 2016. All important information, including the 2016 regulations in full and all relevant forms, can be found on the homepage of the Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences (PAGS (only in German)).
For all Ph.D.-related questions please contact the PAGS.
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